Qualities of a Business Analyst

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Qualities of a Business Analyst

STERLING – Qualities of a Business Analyst – Analysts used to be the ones who had a technology degree but were able to back it up with some basic business knowledge.  Now the times are changing.  Business analysts are business people who specialize in technology.  They can work both spectrum’s of the field.  

Qualities of a business analyst may include some degree in technology.  They know that the business is to lead the way in technology, not the other way around.  Just because it is a cool new thing does not make it a practical application for today’s market.  It may not fit the bill next month or even next week.

Another quality a business analyst has is the ability to be comfortable in the board room as well as in front of the drawing board.  He or she will know how to address a meeting of the stakeholders, while still going back to IT and mapping it out for the department.  A great quality for any business analyst is what some call bi-lingual speech.  Being able to discuss issues in a clear concise language everyone can understand.

The business analyst is going to be a research person.  He or she will always be doing something to gain more knowledge.  Whether it is for the company or for their own personal gratification the business analyst will know knowledge is the key to success.

One of the best attributes for the business analyst is being able to supply options.  He or she will know what is available and from whom.  The business analyst is not a bobble headed yes man.  He or she will state the facts and tell the stakeholders or department leaders if the idea is solid or not.  He or she will let people know when a problem exists with a concept or idea.  The business analyst will be able to tell why the problem occurs.

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Being open minded is a good quality for the business analyst.  He or she can impart an impartial viewpoint to theories and opinions.  The business analyst will be able to choose vendors from an objective point of view.

Qualities bestowed on a business analyst include knowing the attributes of another individual.  He or she can show that person where their expertise can help a project.  The business analyst will not surround him self or her self with people who do nothing.  He or she will find the people who can do the job.  This may mean the large team stakeholders are expecting may only be a handful of qualified individuals.

The qualities of a business analyst will allow him or her to look into the future to see where business and technology are going.  He or she will be collecting information all along the way to help with the next step or phase which is coming.  He or she will be able to map market trends.  The business analyst will be able to see economic bubbles before they occur and take steps to avoid disaster.

A good business analyst will be one of the best assets a company or organization can invest in.  Finding a business analyst with these qualities is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.  The business analyst will tell you where to invest it.